Discussion Group
Currently discussing "A Complete Guide to the Buddhist Path",
by Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen Rinpoche

Sorry... Discussion Group is currently ON BREAK. It will resume next January.
(As always, please check our Monthly Calendar to verify times.)
The discussion group provides an opportunity for anyone who wishes to learn about Buddhism to engage in group study and discussion. Sessions begin with brief chanted prayers, followed by readings and discussion from the study text. The group discusses the material in an open, and relaxed atmosphere. Everyone is welcome, beginner to experienced practitioner!
We are currently discussing "A Complete Guide to the Buddhist Path", by Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen Rinpoche. Drawn from The Jewel Treasury of Advice, a root text written over three hundred years ago by the Buddhist master Drikung Bhande Dharmaradza (1704-1754), the reincarnation of Drikung Dharmakirti, Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen Rinpoche interprets these ancient teachings with compassion, strength of mind, warmth, humor, and a keen awareness for their place and need in contemporary Western life.
Buddhist teachings provide numerous ideas and methods for bringing greater meaning and happiness to our lives and to our relations with others. In this book we are introduced to these methods through an intimate advice-style commentary in direct, down to earth language.
When our most meaningful and precious possessions are collected together in a jewel treasury, we cherish it above all other wealth and never tire of looking at it. Like a jewel treasury, this text contains a collection of the most valuable teachings of the Buddha's teachings, beneficial both for those with a general interest in Buddhism and for serious practitioners. Essential teachings have been gathered together here as pieces of advice for daily life and, especially, for the spiritual journey toward enlightenment. It maps out the essential points of both sutra and tantra from beginning to end, from the four foundations to the perfection of buddhahood.
Those who sincerely want to study and practice Buddhism will find this an indispensable guide that they can read over and over again.
Khenchen Rinpoche has said that this book is like a companion to the Jewel Ornament of Liberation, and studying both texts at the same time is quite useful.
The Complete Guide to the Buddhist Path is available for sale in our bookstore. Please join us!
(As always, please check our Monthly Calendar to verify times.)
The discussion group provides an opportunity for anyone who wishes to learn about Buddhism to engage in group study and discussion. Sessions begin with brief chanted prayers, followed by readings and discussion from the study text. The group discusses the material in an open, and relaxed atmosphere. Everyone is welcome, beginner to experienced practitioner!
We are currently discussing "A Complete Guide to the Buddhist Path", by Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen Rinpoche. Drawn from The Jewel Treasury of Advice, a root text written over three hundred years ago by the Buddhist master Drikung Bhande Dharmaradza (1704-1754), the reincarnation of Drikung Dharmakirti, Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen Rinpoche interprets these ancient teachings with compassion, strength of mind, warmth, humor, and a keen awareness for their place and need in contemporary Western life.
Buddhist teachings provide numerous ideas and methods for bringing greater meaning and happiness to our lives and to our relations with others. In this book we are introduced to these methods through an intimate advice-style commentary in direct, down to earth language.
When our most meaningful and precious possessions are collected together in a jewel treasury, we cherish it above all other wealth and never tire of looking at it. Like a jewel treasury, this text contains a collection of the most valuable teachings of the Buddha's teachings, beneficial both for those with a general interest in Buddhism and for serious practitioners. Essential teachings have been gathered together here as pieces of advice for daily life and, especially, for the spiritual journey toward enlightenment. It maps out the essential points of both sutra and tantra from beginning to end, from the four foundations to the perfection of buddhahood.
Those who sincerely want to study and practice Buddhism will find this an indispensable guide that they can read over and over again.
Khenchen Rinpoche has said that this book is like a companion to the Jewel Ornament of Liberation, and studying both texts at the same time is quite useful.
The Complete Guide to the Buddhist Path is available for sale in our bookstore. Please join us!