The RigDzin Dharma Foundation, situated in the vibrant city of Albuquerque, NM, is a Tibetan Buddhist Dharma Center and bookstore. Established in 2005 under the guidance of the esteemed Venerable Traga Rinpoche, this Center provides a welcoming environment for individuals to engage in meditation and explore the teachings of Buddhism in a relaxed and informal setting.
Autumn Retreat 2024
Tsa Lung: Tibetan Yoga of Movement and Breath &
Healing Chöd Ceremony
Drupon Palkyi
September 26 - 29, 2024
Please join RigDzin Dharma in welcoming Drupon Palkyi in her first visit to Albuquerque! She brings with her a wealth of spiritual wisdom and experience cultivated through years of dedicated practice and study to share with sangha members during our autumn retreat. Prepare yourselves for a rich four days of dharma! EMAHO!
Public Talk, Compassion in Daily Life: Thurs., September 26th
Drupon Palkyi will share with us insight and wisdom on how to practice compassion in our daily lives.
Healing Chöd Ceremony: Friday, September 27th
The Healing Chöd Ceremony is a special practice for those who are experiencing illness and particularly beneficial for stress-related illness and obstacles to our health. Drupon Palkyi will do the practice on our behalf as we meditate or hold a receptive state of mind.
Tsa Lung: Saturday, September 28th & Sunday, September 29th
Drupon Palkyi will teach on "Tsa Lung", a practice that works intensively with the subtle body system. Subtle body health is connected to physical body health and a calm, happy mind. Benefits of this practice include purification of negative karma and obstacles, increased clarity and awareness, overcoming our attachments, and greater ability to calm the mind and rest in the present moment.
To learn all the details and complete information on how to attend this event, click the "Autumn Retreat Event Info" button below to navigate to the event page.
Public Talk, Compassion in Daily Life: Thurs., September 26th
Drupon Palkyi will share with us insight and wisdom on how to practice compassion in our daily lives.
Healing Chöd Ceremony: Friday, September 27th
The Healing Chöd Ceremony is a special practice for those who are experiencing illness and particularly beneficial for stress-related illness and obstacles to our health. Drupon Palkyi will do the practice on our behalf as we meditate or hold a receptive state of mind.
Tsa Lung: Saturday, September 28th & Sunday, September 29th
Drupon Palkyi will teach on "Tsa Lung", a practice that works intensively with the subtle body system. Subtle body health is connected to physical body health and a calm, happy mind. Benefits of this practice include purification of negative karma and obstacles, increased clarity and awareness, overcoming our attachments, and greater ability to calm the mind and rest in the present moment.
To learn all the details and complete information on how to attend this event, click the "Autumn Retreat Event Info" button below to navigate to the event page.
Join us for these September events!
Our center Dharma practices are now available in-person and online on Zoom. All are welcome. (All meeting times are Mountain Standard Time)
September 3rd, Tuesday Evening 6:00-6:45 PM
Calm Abiding Meditation practice
September 4th, Wednesday Evening 6:00-7:15 PM
White Tara & White Dzambhala practice
September 10th, Tuesday Evening 6:00-6:45 PM
Calm Abiding Meditation practice
September 14th, Saturday Practice Cancelled
September 17th, Tuesday Evening 6:00-6:45 PM
Calm Abiding Meditation practice
September 19th, Thursday Evening 6:00-7:00 PM
6:00-7:00 PM Smoke Offering and World Peace Prayers
September 24th, Tuesday Evening 6:00-6:45 PM
Calm Abiding Meditation practice
September 26th, Thursday Evening 6:30-8:30 PM
Drupon Palkyi Teachings
September 27th, Friday Evening 6:30-8:30 PM
Drupon Palkyi Teachings
September 28th, Saturday 10:00-Noon and 2-5 PM
Drupon Palkyi Teachings and Practice on Tsa Lung
September 29th, Sunday 10:00-Noon and 2-5 PM
Drupon Palkyi Teachings and Practice on Tsa Lung
October 1st, Tuesday Evening 6:00-6:45 PM
Calm Abiding Meditation practice
October 2nd, Wednesday Evening 6:00-7:15 PM
White Tara & White Dzambhala practice
All Online Zoom Meetings use the same login credentials!
Zoom ID: 774 643 3739
Password: 108
*Note - Look to our Calendar & Event page for further details on our schedule and which texts are used for each of the practices. The texts used in these practices may be found on the Resources Page.
Our center Dharma practices are now available in-person and online on Zoom. All are welcome. (All meeting times are Mountain Standard Time)
September 3rd, Tuesday Evening 6:00-6:45 PM
Calm Abiding Meditation practice
September 4th, Wednesday Evening 6:00-7:15 PM
White Tara & White Dzambhala practice
September 10th, Tuesday Evening 6:00-6:45 PM
Calm Abiding Meditation practice
September 14th, Saturday Practice Cancelled
September 17th, Tuesday Evening 6:00-6:45 PM
Calm Abiding Meditation practice
September 19th, Thursday Evening 6:00-7:00 PM
6:00-7:00 PM Smoke Offering and World Peace Prayers
September 24th, Tuesday Evening 6:00-6:45 PM
Calm Abiding Meditation practice
September 26th, Thursday Evening 6:30-8:30 PM
Drupon Palkyi Teachings
September 27th, Friday Evening 6:30-8:30 PM
Drupon Palkyi Teachings
September 28th, Saturday 10:00-Noon and 2-5 PM
Drupon Palkyi Teachings and Practice on Tsa Lung
September 29th, Sunday 10:00-Noon and 2-5 PM
Drupon Palkyi Teachings and Practice on Tsa Lung
October 1st, Tuesday Evening 6:00-6:45 PM
Calm Abiding Meditation practice
October 2nd, Wednesday Evening 6:00-7:15 PM
White Tara & White Dzambhala practice
All Online Zoom Meetings use the same login credentials!
Zoom ID: 774 643 3739
Password: 108
*Note - Look to our Calendar & Event page for further details on our schedule and which texts are used for each of the practices. The texts used in these practices may be found on the Resources Page.
Calm Abiding Meditation Practice now in-person, online, and on YouTube!
The RigDzin Dharma Center is reopening January 2023 for in-person group meditation practice. The event is also hosted on Zoom and featured on YouTube for your convenience.
Calm Abiding Meditation is important for progress in our practice on the path to Enlightenment. Regardless of your direction in Buddhist study and practice, the basic meditation practice is an excellent way to create more peace of mind and happiness in daily life. Join RigDzin Dharma Foundation members in this brief 30 minute practice session. This is a weekly event held every Tuesday at 6:00 PM MST. |
Smoke Offering Purification Practice
We are pleased to announce the release of a new "Smoke Offering practice" video in our YouTube channel. It is a great benefit to practice together with others. If you are new to the Smoke Offering practice, it is helpful to learn from others with experience.
Join two of our most experienced Sangha as they lead in prayers and the sadhana practice of the Smoke Offering. Click the following links below to download the prayer book and sadhana for the Smoke Offering practice! The "Rainfall of Benefit & Happiness" sadhana (PDF format) Updated "Prayer Book" (PDF format) A useful booklet with prayers common to most practices. Help us promote the RigDzin Dharma Center channel, subscribe and share in the great ocean of merit. For the benefit of all living beings! |
For new students and future masters alike in the study and practice of Buddhism; we make it easy. Check out our Resources page for links to information, texts and helpful videos and podcasts. Prayers, sadhanas and study materials at your fingertips.
Click on the "Resources" tab in the menu bar above or follow this link: Resources Page
The Guru is like the rain from the vast cloud of Dharma, moistening our mindstream with goodness. The Guru connects the pure mind, with pure view, to Bodhichitta, the mind of realized Enlightenment; and for that, we offer praise and prayers. Learn about the illustrious teachers who from time-to-time grace our center with blessings and Dharma teachings.
Click on the "Our Teachers" tab in the menu bar above or follow this link: Our Teachers Page
Without the Dharma, without the Guru, without their guidance, the path to liberation is exceedingly difficult to find.
Blessings to all!
Click on the "Resources" tab in the menu bar above or follow this link: Resources Page
The Guru is like the rain from the vast cloud of Dharma, moistening our mindstream with goodness. The Guru connects the pure mind, with pure view, to Bodhichitta, the mind of realized Enlightenment; and for that, we offer praise and prayers. Learn about the illustrious teachers who from time-to-time grace our center with blessings and Dharma teachings.
Click on the "Our Teachers" tab in the menu bar above or follow this link: Our Teachers Page
Without the Dharma, without the Guru, without their guidance, the path to liberation is exceedingly difficult to find.
Blessings to all!
For the benefit of all beings!
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May All Beings Everywhere and Without Exception Benefit!