Amitabha is the Buddha of Infinite Light who presides over the western Buddha realm of the Pure Land of Great Bliss, known as Dewachen. He bears this name (Infinite Light), because the light radiating from his body pervades all the pure lands of all the Buddhas of the ten directions.
Many eons ago, in connection with his Bodhisattva promise, he aspired to manifest a pure land that combines the qualities of all other pure lands, and into which beings could be reborn easily if they made the aspiration to do so. Furthermore, once reborn in this land beings would have the optimum circumstances for accelerating on the path to liberation. When Amitabha accomplished Buddhahood, he manifested this Pure Land of Great Bliss. Because of the intensity and power of the vows Amitabha made while a bodhisattva, his pure land is the easiest to be reborn in. Thus, Amitabha is considered the protector of beings who call upon him as they experience death and the after-death transitions in the bardo. Amitabha is also central to the practice of Phowa (the transference of consciousness at the time of death). Buddha Amitabha and related practices work with the enlightened energy of discriminating wisdom and the deluded energy of attachment. Through Amitabha practices, our deluded grasping and attachment are transmuted into the clear-sighted warmth of true loving compassion. The ego’s selfish demands yield to our deepening commitment to others’ well-being and enlightenment. His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche said, "In all Mahayana countries this practice is very prevalent...because of the nature of the vows of Amitabha Buddha. ...Anyone can engage in the practice. You do not have to be a great exalted being who has abandoned all non-virtue. You do not have to be a superb practitioner... it is something that can work for anyone." Amitabha practice can help to ward off obstacles to long life. It is beneficial to perform his practice for the benefit of a person who is passing on, in order that they will have a smooth transition from this life to the next, and also a very good rebirth. Om Ami Dewa Hri